New Tool to Connect with Researchers from 9 European Universities

Teachers and researchers at the faculties and institutes of the University of Belgrade are invited to register in the new Academic Directory – an online platform for connecting researchers from nine member universities of the Circle U alliance.

Why is this platform useful? Circle U. offers numerous opportunities for international and interuniversity collaboration in the development of teaching, research and innovation in the fields of ecology, democracy and global health. An academic directory can help researchers find colleagues who share their research interests, enable them to connect with each other and establish direct communication.

How do I appear in the Circle U. Academic Directory? The process of applying to the Academic Directory is very simple. You need to make minimal changes to your ORCID <>  profile, by entering „CircleU“ in the „Keywords“ section and checking that your affiliation in the „Employment“ section contains the name „University of Belgrade“, along with the name of the faculty or institute. After that, you need to log in to the Academic Directory using your ORCID username and password and enter your email address in your CircleU profile (by clicking on your name in the upper right corner).

More information on using the Academic Directory is provided on the User Guidelines


and Frequently Asked Questions pages


and a video tutorial on editing an ORCID profile is available on the „Small Video School for ORCID <> “ page.

In case you have additional questions or need support for the process of registering in the Academic Directory, please feel free to contact Milos˝ Bojicic at or by phone at 011 3207 438.

The Circle U. alliance <> , in addition to the University of Belgrade, consists of the University of Aarhus (Denmark), Humboldt University in Berlin (Germany), King’s College in London (Great Britain), the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium), the University of Oslo (Norway), University of Paris Citďż˝ (France), University of Vienna (Austria) and University of Pisa (Italy).

Circle U. is one of 44 European university alliances selected for funding under the European Commission Initiative for European Universities.





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