215 years of the University of Belgrade and higher education in Serbia

With a ceremonial academy in the courtyard of the Captain Misha Building – the Rector’s Office, the University of Belgrade marked 215 years since its foundation, i.e. since the opening of the doors of the Great School for students, who were gathered and trained by educator Dositej Obradović. The ceremony on the occasion of the great jubilee was held in front of religious leaders, ministers, diplomats, rectors from Serbia and the region, a large number of colleagues, professors and students, guests and friends. The program in the university’s atrium began with the national anthem „God’s Justice“ performed by mezzo-soprano Nataša Rašić, who also performed the academic anthem „Gaudeamus“ accompanied by pianist Dobrila Miljković.

Rector of the University of Belgrade, Professor Vladan Đokić, Ph.D., pointed out that the important jubilee of 215 years is being celebrated with pride and noted that the ceremony implies highlighting the results and successes of the institution. Đokić emphasized that since the founding of the Great School of Dositej Obradović in 1808, Serbia has been turning towards European enlightened ideals, and assessed that the role of the University in society is permanent and changing. „The university adapts to society, it is characterized by critical thinking and the democratization of knowledge. Even today, the University of Belgrade is based on those values ​​firmly established by Dositej Obradović,“ the rector pointed out and added that the 215-year jubilee unfortunately came at a time that will be forever remembered due to the unimaginable tragic events that befell Serbia this May, precisely in school, at the heart of education. On this occasion, Rector Đokić announced a series of forums on the state of Serbian society that will soon be organized by the University of Belgrade.

The President of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SANU), Dr. Zoran Knežević, assessed that the University is one of the achievements without which modern society cannot be imagined, because it is a combination of science, knowledge and artistic creativity, as a true guardian of the culture, art and scientific heritage of Serbia. Knežević expressed the hope that even after 215 successful years, the University will continue to inherit all the best values ​​it possesses.

A congratulatory message from the president of the largest European university association Circle U, professor Dr. Vincent Blonde, was also sent via video link.

Minister of Education Slavica Dukić Dejanović emphasized that the importance of UB is multifaceted, that it transmits knowledge for generations and centuries, and that as an institution it represents a community of students and teachers, and that the education of young people is necessary for a better quality of social life. At the ceremony, the documentary film „215 years of the University of Belgrade“ was premiered, and then students of the generation of all UB faculties were announced and awards were presented to students who were the authors of the best scientific papers. The formal academy ended with the presentation of charters and special gifts to four professors emeritus.The Minister of Science, Technological Development and Innovation, Jelena Begović, emphasized that UB is important for the community and society, but above all students and those young people who are just entering the scene of higher education, because it is the foundation of future education, cultural heritage and preservation of our identity.

At the ceremony, the documentary film „215 years of the University of Belgrade“ was premiered, and then students of the generation of all UB faculties were announced and awards were presented to students who were the authors of the best scientific papers. The formal academy ended with the presentation of charters and special gifts to four professors emeritus.




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